The Great American Beer Festival (GABF) will take place in Denver, Colorado, at the Colorado Convention Center, on September 24-26, 2009 and tickets are already sold out! Just like in past years, attendees have so much to look forward to. A quick glance at GABF stats shows that over 2,100 different beers will be served and 495 breweries will be represented. Not only do you get to sample the finest beers and food in the world, you get the opportunity to learn about all things beer by participating in the Great American Beer School. And of course, there is the infamous Beer Competition.
If you're considering exhibiting at the GABF, there are so many reasons why you should! How does showing off your product or service to over 46,000 attendees sound? Beer lovers, climbers, skiers, bike racers, and music lovers make up a large part of the audience with the largest demographic being 21-45 year old professionals. Attendees love to have fun and interactive booths are always most popular. With your products and the best in Computer Rentals, you could have the best booth at the GABF!
If you are planning to exhibit at the Great American Beer Festival and need a fast quote on Denver Computer and Technology Rentals, please visit our website at www.rentacomputer.com or call 1-877-422-1907 to speak to a Tech Travel Agent today.