Friday, December 05, 2008

5th Annual Film Festival Summit Hits Las Vegas

film festivalInternational Film Festival SummitDec 7th-9th 2008Las Vegas Hilton

The 5th Annual IFFS will be held at the Las Vegas Hilton December 7th-9th 2008. Announcing new topics and speakers so that whether you are a new to the industry or a seasoned professional you can all find the answers and creative new ideas that you are looking for. Lots keynote presentations, informative panel discussions, breakout sessions, social activities, and the IFFS Excellence Awards you won't want to miss the IFFS this December!

While attending there is no doubt having a laptop with you for note taking and file reference is a required necessity but with all the challenges of traveling with technology especially through customs at airports, many professionals are renting laptops to eliminate the hassles. Technology rental is a great affordable alternative that allows you to have a laptop with all your needed software installed and ready to go and waiting for you at your hotel when you get there. No fighting through customs or fear of your expensive technology being lost or stolen and you are free to enjoy the film festival knowing you have everything you need.

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